About Pathway to Justice

Considered soft targets, girls and women with disabilities are more vulnerable to sexual exploitation compared to their non-disabled counterparts. The inaccessible criminal justice system also fails in many respects in rendering justice to survivors of violence. Pathway to Justice is a project initiated by Sruti Disability Rights Centre to bring focus around this issue. This website, as part of this project, is created with the aim of bringing as many information on Violence Against Women with Disabilities together.

What kinds of information is documented?

This website is an attempt to collate information on discrimination & violence women with disabilities face. Currently, this information is in the form of news reports, legal material, books, research papers and videos. You may browse this information from the resources section of the website.

How can you contribute?

This website is a collaborative effort and we hope academics and activists will actively participate by sharing more information about this topic with us. You can send any information related to the broad topic under Discrimination & Violence on Women with Disabilities to sruti.darc@gmail.com - we will try to upload same in this website. You may also use the contact form on this page to send us the information.

About Sruti Disability Rights Centre

Sruti Disability Rights Centre is an organisation based in Kolkata, India and works on intersections of disability & gender rights.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, feedback or suggestions, please write to us at sruti.darc@gmail.com

License and ownership

All material or content shared on this website (as a resource) is publicly available on the World Wide Web and is owned by and attributed to the original content creator. Please refer to the 'external link' of each resource item to find information about the original content creator and the license under which they have shared the material. Pathway to Justice does not claim ownership of any material, unless explicitly mentioned in a resource item.


Submission form

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